Korean Cookies

Matdongsang (Crunchy Korean Peanuts Cookies)

Today I’m going to show you how to make a crunchy Korean peanut cookie that a lot of Koreans grew up with, including me! They’re called Matdongsan (맛동산) cookies, and were created in 1975 by the Haitai company. It’s a fried cookie covered in a light coating of sticky syrup. They are crunchy, nutty, sweet and irresistible. When I first tried these cookies I couldn’t believe such a delicious thing existed in the world. A lot of Koreans agree, and many of us grew up eating Matdongsan cookies.
You can find them at pretty much any Korean grocery store or on Amazon, but I’ll show you how to make them at home. It’s not very hard, although there are some steps to follow to make them delicious. And you need to both fry and bake them so that they get super crunchy.
The method of rolling out the dough is similar to making the doughnuts in my kkwabaegi recipe, so if you made those doughnuts you’re an expert at making a rope out of dough. : )
I hope you and your family and friends enjoy these Korean cookies! Let me know if you make them!(https://www.maangchi.com/recipe/matdongsan)

The recipe i've  got from maangchi but i add mint coffee for taste.


Makes about 12 ounces (340 grams) of cookies
  • 1 egg (1 telur)
  • ¼ cup white sugar (1/4 gls gula)
  • ¼ teaspoon salt (1/4sdt Garam)
  • 1 tablespoon plus 3 cups cooking oil (grape seed oil, vegetable oil, corn oil) (1sdm plus 3 gls minyak sayur/jagung/goreng)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (1sdt vanilla)
  • 1 cup all purpose flour (1gls Terigu protein sedang)
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder (1/2 sdt Baking powder)
  • ¼ cup roasted peanuts, chopped coarsely (1/4 gls, kacang panggang)
  • I add 2tbs mint coffee (Vey tambah 2sdm kopi mint)
For syrup:
  • ¼ cup rice syrup (or corn syrup) (1/4 gls rice/corn syrup klo Vey pakai madu yang kentalnya sama dg rice/corn syrup)
  • 2 tablespoons white sugar (2sdm gula pasir)
  • 2 tablespoons water (2sdm air)

Make the dough:(picture and steps from maangchi.com)
  1. Crack 1 egg into a bowl. Add ¼ cup sugar, salt, 1 tablespoon cooking oil (mint coffee) n vanilla extract. Mix it well with a spoon. (pecahkan telur di baskom lalu tambahkan gula, garam (kopimint) n vanilla. Campur dg spoon smp rata.)
  2. Add the flour and baking powder and knead for 1 minute until the dough is smooth. (Tambahkan terigu n baking powder lalu uleni hgg kalis)doughmatdongsan dough
  3. Wrap the dough with plastic wrap and keep it in the fridge for 30 minutes. (Simpan adonan dalam plastik wrap n masukan dlm kulkas 30mnt.matdongsan wrap
Make the syrup:
  1. Put ¼ cup rice syrup, 2 tablespoons of white sugar, and 2 tablespoons of water in a small pan. (Simpan rice/corn syrup/madu, gula n air di panci kecil.)
  2. Boil over medium low heat for 8 to 10 minutes until bubbling and the color of the syrup changes to a light brown. Be sure not to stir it, just swirl the syrup around by tilting the pan this way and that. Remove from the heat and set aside.(masak dg api sedang hgg mendidih n bergelembung 8-10mnt n warna syrupnya berubah menjadi coklat terang. Jangan diaduk, goyang2kan saja pancinya agar tdk menjadi kristal syrupnya)matdongsan sauce
Form & fry the cookies:
  1. Take some dough and roll it out into a long, ¼ inch thick rope. Cut it into 2 inch pieces. Do this with all of the dough. (Ambil sedikt adonan n gulung hgg memanjang spt tali. lalu potong2 sepanjang 2inc, lakukan hgg adonan habis).matdongsan uncooked
  2. Heat up the cooking oil in a skillet until the temperature reaches about 330° to 350° F. You can test the temperature with a kitchen thermometer, or just dip a piece of cookie dough into the oil. If it creates some bubbles in the oil, it’s right temperature. If it bubbles too vigorously, turn off the heat and wait until the temperature goes down a bit. (Panaskan minyak hgg 330-350 F or bisa dicoba masukan adonan ke minyak klo sdh ada gelembung berarti panas cukup)
  3. Fry the cookie dough over medium heat for about 4 to 5 minutes, until they turn a light golden brown and get crunchy. Strain the cookies and fry the second batch.(Goreng adonan dg api medium hgg warna kuning kecoklatan n renyah)matdoingsan fryingfried cookies
Bake the cookies:
  1. Preheat the oven to 400° F. (Panaskan oven)
  2. Place the fried cookies in a cookie pan and bake them for 8 to 10 minutes until they are golden brown and very crunchy. Be sure not to burn and keep checking the color through the oven window.(Simpan kue diatas loyang n bakar hgg 8-10mnt or smp kue berubah menjadi coklat tua n sgt renyah.)matdongsan baked
Put it together:
  1. Reheat the syrup. (Panaskan kembali syrup)
  2. Heat up a skillet over medium heat and add the baked cookies, the peanuts, and the hot syrup. Mix it well with a wooden spoon.(Simapn kue ke pan n tambahkan syrup n kacang panggang, aduk hgg tercampur rata.)matdongsan mix sauce
  3. Put the sticky cookies on a sheet of parchment paper on your table or cutting board. Let them cool for a couple of minutes, then separate them by hand or a spoon so they don’t stick together. (Kuenya lengket jd simpan di atas kertas roti n biarkan smp dingin. pisah2kan dg tangan or sendok agar kue tdk slg menempel.)matdongsan finished
  1. Serve as snack or dessert. (Sajikan sebagai snack or makanan pencuci mulut)
  2. Keep any leftovers in an airtight container or plastic bag and freeze for up to 1 month.(bisa simpan di tempat kedap udara or plastik lalu simpan di freezer, tahan smp lbh 1bln)
Nice cooking all.............


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